Committee VI
Prostate Cancer
Prof. Amr Nowier, MD, Professor of Urology, Ain Shams University
Prof. Mohamed Abdella, MD, Professor of Oncology, Cairo University
Prof. Ahmed Tawfik, MD, Professor of Urology, Ain Shams University
Dr. Mai Ezz Eldin, MD, Lecturer of Oncology, Ain Shams University
Dr. Mohamed Shabayek, MD, Lecturer of Urology, Ain Shams University
Dr. Mohamed Hefny, MD, Lecturer of Oncology, Ain Shams University
- VI.1 List of Abbreviations
- VI.2 Abstract
- VI.3 Introduction
- VI.4 Screening and early detection of prostate cancer
- VI.5 Locally Confined Disease
- VI.6 General guidelines for management of PCa
- VI.7 Radiotherapy (RT)
- VI.8 Management of prostate cancer according to risk group stratification
- VI.9 Management of biochemical recurrence after primary treatment
- VI.10 Management of Metastatic Hormone Sensitive Prostate Cancer (mHSPC):
- VI.11 Castration-resistant Prostate Cancer (CRPC)
- VI.12 References
VI.1 List of Abbreviations
- AS - Active surveillance
- ADT - Androgen deprivation Therapy
- ARTA - Androgen Receptor Targeting Agents
- CRPC - Castration-resistant Prostate Cancer
- dMMR - Defective Mismatch Repair
- DRE - Digital Rectal Examination
- ePLND - Extended Pelvic Lymph Node Dissection
- eLND - Extended Pelvic Lymph Node Dissection
- EBRT - External-Beam Radiation Therapy
- HRQoL - Health Related Quality of Life
- HIFU - High Intensity Focused Ultrasound
- HDR - High-Dose Rate
- HRD - Homologous Recombination Deficiency
- HFX - Hypofractionation
- IMRT - Intensity Modulated Radiotherapy
- IPSS - International Prostatic Symptom Score
- LAPC - Locally advanced prostate cancer
- LDR - Low-Dose Rate
- LN - Lymph Node
- LND - Lymph Node Dissection
- MRI - Magnetic Resonance Imaging
- MFS - Metastasis Free Survival
- PCa - Metastatic Castration-Resistant
- mHSPC - Metastatic Hormone Sensitive Prostate Cancer
- MSI - Microsatellite Instability
- mpMRI - Multiparametric Magnetic Resonance Imaging
- NEPC - Neuroendocrine Prostate Cancer
- NGI - Next-Generation Imaging
- OMPC - Oligometastatic Disease
- PLND - Pelvic Lymph Node Dissection
- PARP - PolyADP-Ribose Polymerase
- PET - Positron Emission Tomograpgy
- PCa - Prostate Cancer
- PSA - Prostate-Specific Antigen
- RP - Radical Prostatectomy
- RT - Radiotherapy
- SRE - Skeletal-Related Events
- TURP - Transurethral Resection Of The Prostate
- VMAT - Volumetric Arc External-Beam Radiotherapy
- WW - Watchful Waiting
VI.2 Abstract
VI.2.1 Objectives.
VI.2.2 Methods
VI.2.3 Results
VI.2.4 Conclusions.
VI.3 Introduction
VI.4 Screening and early detection of prostate cancer
VI.4.1 Benefits and harms prostate cancer screening
- Cochrane review and others reported that screening increases the detection of prostate cancer and reduces the rates of advanced disease at the time of diagnosis. (1,2,3)
- Effect of screening on mortality “the most controversial topic”, Some noted a greater decline in prostate cancer mortality rate, (4,5,6). Others reported there was no difference in prostate cancer mortality between the screened and non-screened in the (PLCO) trial. (7) Also Schröder FH from (ERSPC) trial reported that with extended follow up, the mortality reduction remains unchanged. (8) at the same time a Cochrane review reported that screening have no benefit on PCa-specific survival and overall survival. (3)
- There is over diagnosis and treatment. Schröder et al, 2014 reported that to prevent one Pca death we would need to screen 781 men and diagnose an additional 27 men at a median follow-up of 13 years. (8) the same result obtained from (PLCO) trial.
- False-result of PSA. It may be abnormal even if there is no Pca such patients may have anxiety about their test result and/or may at risks related to prostate biopsy, and it may be normal even if there is Pca.
- Risk of prostate biopsy
- Risk of treatment
VI.4.2 Screening for early detection
- Benefits and harms of screening
- Use nomograms to help with decision making, predict biopsy results, predict pathological stage and predict risk of treatment failure
- Screening is done with a PSA test which is repeated every1-2 years.
- Additional tests may be done to assess elevated PSA. No available tests can accurately determine which men have a cancer that may cause health problems.
- Prostate biopsy may be needed any may be repeated
- Discuss all treatment options and their risks and benefits in an objective, unbiased manner
Recommendation |
Strength Rating |
VI.4.3 Approach for Screening
- If DRE was performed, PSA can be measured immediately as DRE leads to minimal transient PSA elevations of 0.26 to 0.4 ng/mL
- Patient who is repeating PSA test to evaluate a result that was close to a cutoff should abstain for at least 48 hours from activities that induce perineal trauma (eg, ejaculation or bicycling).
Causes |
Time to defer |
Recommendation |
Strength Rating |
VI.4.4 Age to begin discussing screening
- At age 50 or 55 years to 69 years for average-risk men as long as life expectancy is at least 10- 15 years
- At age 40 or 45 years old for higher-risk men
- BRCA1 or BRCA2 genetic mutations, black men, men with a family history of prostate cancer, particularly in a first-degree relative who was diagnosed at age <65 years and men with a PSA > 1 ng/mL at 40 years or > 2 ng/mL at 60 years
Recommendation |
Strength Rating |
VI.4.4.1 Frequency of screening
VI.4.4.2 Discontinuing screening
- Patients have a life expectancy of <10 to15 years.
- Most clinicians offer screening up to age 70 years
Recommendation |
Strength Rating |
VI.4.5 Prostatic biopsy
VI.4.5.1 Baseline biopsy
- (US)-guided is the standard of care. It is performed by trans-rectal or trans-perineal approach. Cancer detection rates, when performed without prior (MRI), are comparable between the two approaches. (13)
- TURP should not be used as a tool for biopsy. (14)
- The decision for biopsy is based on elevated PSA and/or suspicious DRE and/or imaging. Recently, prostate cancer risk calculators have been developed to estimate the risk of prostate cancer from multiple parameter, thereby reducing the number of unnecessary biopsies. Common calculator used are: the PCPT cohort: PCPTRC 2.0 the ERSPC cohort: http://myprostatecancerrisk.com/, the ERSPC cohort: http://www.prostatecancer-riskcalculator.com/seven-prostate-cancer-risk-calculators and a local Canadian cohort: https://sunnybrook.ca/content/?page=asure=calc
VI.4.6 Elevated PSA
- It should not prompt immediate biopsy. It should be verified after a few weeks, in the same laboratory, using the same assay under standardized conditions (i.e. no ejaculation, manipulations, and [UTIs]). (15,16)
- Empirical use of antibiotics in an asymptomatic patient to lower the PSA not recommended. (17)
- PSA depravities and new biological markers such as TMPRSS2-ERG fusion, PCA3 or kallikreins as Phi or 4Kscore tests increase sensitivity and specificity of PSA, so avoiding unnecessary biopsies. (18-21)
For people who have a raised PSA and MRI Likert score of 1 or 2, omit biopsy based on shared decision making with the patient, repeat PSA test at 3 to 6 months and:
- If there is a strong suspicion of prostate cancer (for example, PSA density greater than 0.15 ng/ml/ml or PSA velocity greater than 0.75 ng/year, or strong family history), offer prostate biopsy considering their life expectancy and comorbidity
- If the level of suspicion is low; advise PSA to follow up at 6 months and then every year, and set a PSA level to biopsy based on PSA density (0.15 ng/ml/ml) or velocity (0.75 ng/year).
VI.4.7 Abnormal DRE
VI.4.8 Imaging
- Grey-scale TRUS and ultrasound-based techniques is not reliable at detecting PCa. (24)
- Multiparametric magnetic resonance imaging (mpMRI)
- Because of its low specificity, mpMRI in very low-risk patients would result in an inflation of false-positive findings and subsequent unnecessary biopsies.so mpMRI must not be used in patients who do not have an indication for prostate biopsy based on their family history and clinical and biochemical data.
- Cochrane meta-analysis and others reported that (mpMRI) has good sensitivity for the detection and localization of ISUP grade ≥2 cancers. (25-28), also it reported that (mpMRI) is poor sensitive in identifying ISUP grade 1 PCa. (25)
- MRI-TBx improve the detection of ISUP grade ≥2 as compared to systematic biopsy especially in patients with prior negative systematic biopsy, but not in biopsy-naïve men. In biopsy-naïve patients, the difference is to be less marked; it is not significant in all series, but remains in favor of MRI-TBx in some studies. (25, 29-33)
- MRI-TBx reduce the detection of ISUP grade 1 PCa as compared to systematic biopsy. So, MRI-TBx significantly reduces over-diagnosis of low-risk disease, as compared to systematic biopsy. (25,31-33)
- Combined target and systemic biopsy of the lobe with the MRI lesion increase the detection of csPCa (ISUP grade ≥2) in compare with target biopsy alone from 73.5% to 96%. (34)
- csPCa can be missed because of MRI failure (invisible cancer or reader’s misinterpretation) or because of targeting failure (target missed or undersampled by MRI-TBx).
- Limitations of the ‘MR pathway’ are the moderate inter-reader reproducibility of mpMRI and the lack of standardisation of MRI-TBx (minimum number of targeted cores to be obtained as a function of the prostate volume, lesion size and location), as well as the fact that its inter-operator reproducibility has not been evaluated.
- Where no prior imaging with mpMRI, or where mpMRI has not shown any suspicious lesion, the sample sites should be bilateral from apex to base, as far posterior and lateral as possible in the peripheral gland.
- Additional cores should be obtained from suspect areas.
- At least eight systematic biopsies are recommended in prostates with a size of about 30 cc. Sextant biopsy is no longer recommended.
- Ten to twelve core biopsies are recommended in larger prostates
Saturation biopsy (> 20 cores):
- It may be performed with the trans-perineal technique, which detects an additional 38% of PCa. The rate of urinary retention is high (10%)
- Seminal vesicle biopsy:
- Not recommended due to low its value.
- Its added value compared with mpMRI is questionable.
- Transition zone biopsy during baseline biopsies has a low detection rate and should be limited to repeat biopsies
VI.4.9 Repeat biopsy after previously negative biopsy
- The PCA3 assay and PHI is not recommended in people having investigations for suspected prostate cancer who have had a negative prostate biopsy
- The decision for repeat the biopsy has to be considered when there is high probability of Pca despite negative initial biopsy as in: rising and/or persistently elevated PSA, suspicious DRE, 5-30% PCa risk (35,36), positive (mpMRI) Likert score of 3 or more, ASAP, 31-40% PCa risk on repeat biopsy, (37,38) extensive (> 3 site) (HGPIN), ~30% PCa risk (38,39), a few atypical glands adjacent to (HGPIN), ~50% PCa risk. (40), intraductal carcinoma, > 90% risk of associated high-grade PCa. (41)
For people who have a raised PSA, an MRI Likert score of 1 or 2, and negative biopsy, repeat PSA at 3 to 6 months and:
- If there is a strong suspicion of prostate cancer (for example, PSA density greater than 0.15 ng/ml/ml or PSA velocity greater than 0.75 ng/year, or strong family history), offer prostate biopsy considering their life expectancy and comorbidities
- If the level of suspicion is low; advise PSA follow‑up every 2 years, and set a PSA level for re-biopsy based on PSA density (0.15 ng/ml/ml) or velocity (0.75 ng/year).
Recommendation |
Strength Rating |
Recommendation |
Strength Rating |
Recommendation |
Strength Rating |
VI.5 Locally Confined Disease
VI.5.1 5.1 Risk Stratification of Locally Confined Prostate Cancer
Very Low-risk |
Low-risk |
Intermediate- risk |
High-risk |
Recommendation |
Strength Rating |
VI.6 General guidelines for management of PCa
VI.6.1 Deferred treatment
Active surveillance (42) |
Watchful waiting |
Recommendation |
Strength Rating |
VI.6.2 Active treatment
Recommendation |
Strength Rating |
VI.6.2.1 Surgical treatment: radical prostatectomy
Recommendation |
Strength Rating |
VI.7 Radiotherapy (RT)
Recommendation |
Strength Rating |
Recommendation |
Strength Rating |
VI.8 Management of prostate cancer according to risk group stratification
VI.8.1 Guidelines for first-line treatment of Very Low and Low risk disease
- Any rise in prostate-specific antigen (PSA) >20% between consecutive measures at any time during follow-up or
- Any rise in PSA level of 50% or greater in any 12-month period confirmed by repeat tests or
- Any indication of the appearance of symptomatic systemic disease. (62)
First year (62) |
Second year and thereafter |
Monitor PSA kinetics (PSA velocity and density) |
Monitor PSA kinetics (PSA velocity and density) |
Recommendation |
Strength Rating |
Treatment |
Recommendation |
Strength Rating |
VI.8.2 Guidelines for treatment of intermediate risk disease
VI.8.2.1 Surgery radical prostatectomy (RP)
- Based on SPCG-4 and PIVOT RCT comparing RRP vs. WW, Prostate Cancer Specific Death rate and Overall All-cause Mortality rate was significantly lower with RP than WW in the SPCG-4 and PIVOT respectively
- The risk of having positive LNs in intermediate-risk PCa is between 3.7-20.1% (66).
- An eLND should be performed in intermediate-risk PCa if the estimated risk for pN+ exceeds 5%. (67)
VI.8.2.2 Radiotherapy
Treatment |
Recommendation |
Strength Rating |
VI.8.3 Guidelines for treatment of high risk disease
VI.8.3.1 Surgery
VI.8.3.2 Radiotherapy
Recommendation |
Strength Rating |
VI.8.4 Guidelines on Locally advanced prostate cancer (LAPC)
VI.8.4.1 Definition
VI.8.4.2 Diagnosis of LAPC
Recommendation |
Strength Rating |
VI.8.4.3 Initial treatment of LAPC
Recommendation |
Strength Rating |
Recommendation |
Strength Rating |
Recommendation |
Strength Rating |
Recommendation |
Strength Rating |
Recommendation |
Strength Rating |
- Offer adjuvant ADT for node-positive (pN+).
- Offer adjuvant ADT with additional radiotherapy.
- Offer observation (expectant management) to a patient after ePLND and < 2 nodes with microscopic involvement, and a PSA < 0.1 ng/mL and absence of extranodal extension. (97)
Recommendation |
Strength Rating |
VI.9 Management of biochemical recurrence after primary treatment
VI.9.1 Biochemical recurrence after initial radical prostatectomy
VI.9.1.1 Definition:
VI.9.1.2 Diagnostic workup
2. Prostate imaging: MRI
3. Bone imaging: Bone scan / 18F PET/CT – 11C PET/CT. (101)
4. Chest, abdomen and pelvis CT.
5. If available and negative conventional imaging, consider 68Ga PSMA PET/CT. (102)
6. Biopsy if imaging revealed prostate bed recurrence.
VI.9.1.3 Treatment options
VI.9.2 Biochemical recurrence after initial Radiotherapy:
VI.9.2.1 Definition of BCR after RT
VI.9.2.2 Diagnostic workup
VI.9.2.3 Treatment options:
- Radical prostatectomy. (110)
- Cryotherapy. (111,112)
- High-Intensity Focused Ultrasound (HIFU). (113)
- ADT: both continues and intermittent ADT (114,115)
- Brachytherapy. (116,117)
- Observation: especially in patients with negative TRUS biopsy.
Recommendation |
Strength Rating |
VI.10 Management of Metastatic Hormone Sensitive Prostate Cancer (mHSPC):
VI.10.1 Introduction & Evidence Based Medicine:
Trial |
High Volume |
Low Volume |
Appendicular skeletal metastases and/or visceral metastases |
Nodal and/or axial skeletal metastases |
Study |
Cutoff Number of Oligometastases |
Location of Metastases |
Imaging Modality |
Clinical Situation |
Intervention |
Strength Rating |
** Approved upon tumor board in treating tertiary center for certain clinical and re-embarrassment situations. |
Immediate onset of treatment unless:
a. Life expectancy is < 5 years.
b. Asymptomatic patient.
c. The presence of uncontrolled comorbid disease (Cardiac, Central Nervous, Metabolic disorders). - Continuous ADT is generally preferred to intermittent approach unless the patient is welling for non-continuous treatment and having low tumor volume, asymptomatic and well informed about the pros and cons of having continuous treatment.
- Surgical versus medical castration (LHRH agonists and antagonists) is to be decided following discussion with the patient taking into consideration the cost of treatment, patient’s compliance and well.
- Careful monitoring by serum testosterone and PSA every 3 months after the nadir. (Preferred)
- Palliative external beam radiation therapy in a symptomatic patient.
In symptomatic patients, also ARTA can be considered:
i. Abiraterone Acetate (Category 1)
ii. Enzalutamide (Category 1)
- Docetaxel 75 mg/m2 every 21 days for 6 courses provided of adequate hematological recovery and within normal ranges organ functions especially symptomatic patients with rapidly progressing disease and the presence of visceral metastases. (Preferred – Based on Cost Benefit Study).
ARTA with survival advantages can be considered:
i. Abiraterone Acetate (Category 1)
ii. Enzalutamide (Category 1)
iii. Apalutamide (Category 1)
- Continue on ADT only (Preferred).
- If within the context of Clinical Trial or MDT approach; local EBRT to primary tumor and ablative SBRT to metastatic sites (Optional).
VI.11 Castration-resistant Prostate Cancer (CRPC)
VI.11.1 Definition of Castration-resistant PCa
Recommendation |
Strength Rating |
VI.11.2 Non-metastatic castration-resistant PCa
VI.11.2.1 Definition:
Recommendations |
Strength Rating |
VI.11.3 Metastatic castration-resistant PCa
VI.11.3.1 First-line treatment of mCRPC abiraterone, enzalutamide, docetaxel, Sipuleucel-T
VI.11.3.2 Second-line treatment for mCRPC
VI.11.4 Monitoring of treatment
VI.11.5 When to change treatment
VI.11.6 Bone metastases/bone Health in CRPC
VI.11.7 Preventing skeletal-related events
VI.11.7.1 Bisphosphonates
VI.11.7.2 RANK ligand inhibitors
Recommendations |
Strength Rating |
First-line therapy choice depends on the performance status, symptoms, comorbidities, location and extent of disease, patient preference, previous treatment in the hormone-sensitive metastatic PCa (HSPC) phase (alphabetical order: abiraterone, docetaxel, enzalutamide,). |
VI.12 References
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